Friday, November 20, 2009

The Droid: Hype or Happening?

Remember when you were young and dating for the first time? I bet someone, your mom or your dad, or maybe a sister or brother, told you that you should never put your heart out there all at once.

It's best to keep 'em guessing a little bit, showing a little of the greatness you possess, but not all.

Apparently, this strategy works very well with releasing a game-changer phone.

The go-slow, reveal little approach to releasing the Droid seems to have worked well for Verizon.

I'm actually thinking of getting this phone, even though I was left longing when I signed up for the iPhone 2.0 release.

Is this the year for too much hype? Does anyone out there have the Droid? Does it perform well? I like Verizon's call network and data network. I don't think I've ever had a dropped call in the one and half years I have had Verizon service.

What really I want to know about is how does the phone perform on the user level?

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